Contact Us

We spent many hours (many, many, many hours) on making Purple Ribbit as attractive as we could. Both to the children who are to play it and to the grown-ups who will have to pay for it. We'd love to hear from you how we can make this and future apps better!

Purple Ribbit embodies many things we love about apps. The clean, polished design with similarly natural and attractive game play. Not having advertisements in a kids app. Using classical music as background music. All things we love to see ourselves in the apps we buy for our children.

We've tried to squash all bugs before shipping Purple Ribbit (with the exception of the scary spiders in the background collections of course!). If you find a problem, please let us know and we'll be happy to look into it.

Just send us an email at Problems, questions, congratulations, (constructive) criticism… They're all welcome!